Article Summary:

* Claudia Sheinbaum was perceived as the most presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential debate.
* Jorge Álvarez Máynez appeared overly eager to appeal to voters, while Xóchitl Gálvez exhibited nervousness.
* Sheinbaum emphasized the polarization between her progressive project and the past, while Gálvez called for unity.
* The strategy of invoking the threat of a return to the past is outdated, as current issues cannot be attributed to previous governments.
* Sheinbaum presented data showing higher satisfaction with IMSS-Bienestar compared to the defunct Seguro Popular, but the number of people covered by IMSS-Bienestar has not yet reached the level of Seguro Popular.

Top Five Most Mentioned Words:

* Claudia (10)
* Debate (9)
* Sheinbaum (8)
* Xóchitl (7)
* Gálvez (7)

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